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Overseas Trade: Agriculture and Environment | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

We have not commissioned research on trends in international trade for agriculture and the environment. However, there are a number of international organisations which look at prospects for trade in agricultural goods, and we make use of this evidence in our own work. The OECD-FAO Medium-Term Outlook gives an authoritative overview of plausible future developments in international agricultural markets and conveys the importance of future demand from emerging economies.

Drivers please watch your speed on Wellington Road, Porthleven

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Tue, 14/02/2017 - 11:39

My inbox has a concern about speeding in and around Porthleven. In the past, I have managed to reduce the speed limits on the Porthleven Road and Methleigh Bottoms from 60mph to 40mph. In those calls, I get requests for all sorts of traffic calming measures. However, before any action can be taken, you must have the evidence of a problem; as without that evidence, you cannot get a scheme of works done.

One of the areas of concern is the perceived speed of those travelling along Wellington Road. In response to those concerns, I requested (for obvious reasons I do not tell people) a speed monitoring camera installed to see if there is excess speeding. I have now had the results back.

Whilst there is the perception of speed, when you look at the data the majority of traffic is within the speed limits of the road. As the following two graphs will show.

The westbound levels are higher that the eastbound, but this is from those coming from a 40mph zone to 30mph. When you look at the data further the:

  • Eastbound traffic in the period had 6,882 vehicle movements 73% of all movements were under 30mph and only 1.1% were over 40mph.
  • Westbound traffic had in the period 7,316 vehicle movements with 55.3% under 30mph and 2.2% over 40mph.

What is interesting is the majority of those going near or over the limit are between 2am and 6am for eastbound. Westbound is slightly more even on the under 30mph and between 30/40mph but this is due to the changes from a 40mph to 30mph zone and where the camera would have picked the up.

In summary of the information, and having spoken to highways about the next step, it is with regret there is little formal changes that can be made to the road by means of any traffic calming measures. It really comes down to education and how people need to be more aware when they enter Porthleven from Helston. I will also be talking to the police and see if we can have a little campaign about speed awareness.

Please slow down.

Categories: Local Politics

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Security | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

My Department does not have a business or security need to separate the information between these defined categories therefore we do not record them in this way. Strict processes are followed before a pass is authorised and ultimately revoked.

Passes are issued to contractors, secondees, public sector workers (e.g. from Non Departmental Public Bodies) or Crown Servants such as Police or Military forces as well as to Civil Servants where it is necessary and appropriate to do so. This enables teams to work flexibly and effectively to best support the business need. Use of all security passes are underpinned by strong physical security focus, access control procedures and technologies, clear processes and assurance mechanisms that enable an integrated workforce to operate in a secure manner.

Porthleven to have its own Youth Worker

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Mon, 13/02/2017 - 11:31

Back in 2016, I put forward a request to Porthleven Town Council to look into the feasibility of Porthleven having its own Youth Worker to help engage with young people. The principle of this was accepted, but could not be taken forward until the budget had been sorted.

I am now pleased to say, from April, Porthleven will have two Youth Workers initially for one day a week to work with Porthleven’s young people in a variety of ways. This Youth Work will be delivered by the experienced young people organisation Penwith Community Development Trust who are also delivering two days of Youth Work at the Furry Youth Cafe in Helston.

Categories: Local Politics

Helston’s Fairground Car Park is being resurfaced.

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Thu, 09/02/2017 - 14:46

A month ago, I reported that the Fairground Car Park would be resurfaced in February due to the stage of the area. I am pleased to say work has started on the resurfacing and will take two days to complete.

As you can see from the pictures this is not just filling in the pot and man holes, but putting down a lot of material to make this a better car park. Speaking to the men on site today, they say this resurfacing will use over 100 tonnes of material.

Thank you to Cornwall Council’s Car Parking Services and Cormac for acting so quickly to my request for something to be done. To help Cormac complete the job, can people avoid parking in this area whilst the work is being carried out.


Work is underway at Helston’s Fairground Car Park

Categories: Local Politics

Coffee Morning & Family Fun

Cornwall Hospice Care: What's On: - Thu, 09/02/2017 - 11:23
Tea/coffee and cakes on sale... Raffle, tombola, guess the number of sweets in the jar/weight of a cake and some other "game type" stalls with plenty of prizes! For more info contact Nikki Callis who is having this event to raise money for running the London Marathon for Cornwall Hospice Care
Categories: West Cornwall News

Dogs: Imports | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The number of prosecutions in respect of non-compliant dogs and puppies entering England and Wales are set out below.


Number of Prosecutions *











*It is not possible to know from the returns where these non-compliances were identified (e.g. at Dover or Eurotunnel or elsewhere - including by air).

The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) does not gather, collate or hold this data for Scotland or Northern Ireland.

Agriculture and Environment: Research | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Defra invests a significant amount in agricultural and environmental research to underpin policy development and implementation. Much of this is relevant to the development of future policy in the context of EU exit.

However, research specifically to inform agricultural and environmental policy once the UK leaves the EU, which is distinct from the department’s on-going research programmes, has not been commissioned in the last 6 months.

Arable Farming | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

As we prepare to leave the EU, we are looking at removing the rules that are unnecessarily burdensome, focusing instead on what works best for the UK. We want to free our farmers to grow more, sell more and export more British food, whilst upholding our high standards for the environment and animal health and welfare.

The Secretary of State announced on 4 January that we will be looking to remove such rules, including the three crop rule at the earliest opportunity once we have left the EU.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Pay | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The table below shows the total and per capita male and female pay bill in 2015-16. Pay bill includes base salary, allowances, employer pension contributions and National Insurance costs.

Pay bill






Per Capita



Pay bill figures for men and women in each department can vary significantly based on representation at different grades and how many staff in the Department are in full or part time work.

A more meaningful way of considering existing pay disparities amongst men and women would be to look at each department’s gender pay gap. The Civil Service has been publishing mean and median gender pay gaps for each department since 2008 as part of the annual release of Civil Service Statistics by the Office for National Statistics. The latest gender pay gap data (published in October last year) can be found on the Office for National Statistics website.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Cleaning Services | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Defra’s office cleaners are provided through a facilities management contract and are paid the following hourly rates as a minimum:-

  • Outside of London boroughs £8.25 rising to £8.45 from April 2017

  • Within London boroughs - £9.40 rising to £9.75 from April 2017


Animal Products: Subsidies | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The Producer Support Estimate (PSE) is a statistic produced by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as part of its annual report “Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Policies”. The PSE represents policy transfers to agricultural producers, measured at the farm gate and expressed as a share of gross farm receipts. Within the PSE the EU is treated as a single country; there are no figures for individual sectors or individual Member States.

In the OECD’s most recent report the PSE for the EU for 2013-15 was 19% (measured as a percentage of gross farm receipts) or €84.6bn.

Fairtrade Initiative | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The Government is committed to supporting Fairtrade around the world. Over the last six years, the Department for International Development (DfID) has provided £18 million to Fairtrade International to support their work and strengthen the global Fairtrade system. This includes Fairtrade producer and worker organisations that are the drivers of inclusive economic, environmental and social development in their communities around the world. DfID continues to actively engage with Fairtrade on a variety of projects and campaigns, such as the forthcoming Fairtrade Fortnight from 27 February to 12 March.

Avian Influenza | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Our immediate and robust actions include:

  • An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone which was put in place on 6 December and covers all of England. The Prevention Zone requires the compulsory housing of all poultry and captive birds or, where this is not possible, separation from wild birds. This will expire on 28th February and announcements on next steps will be made in due course;
  • A ban on poultry gatherings to guard against spread;
  • Enhanced wild bird surveillance around wetland areas by key partners;
  • The clear expectation in widely available guidance that all keepers must exercise the highest biosecurity standards.

All measures are being kept under constant review.

Upon confirmation of disease, a 10 km Surveillance Zone and an inner Protection Zone of 3 km are put in place around each infected premises. The Protection and Surveillance Zones impose movement restrictions on poultry and other potentially contaminated material.

Susceptible animals on the infected premises are humanely culled and their carcasses and any other contaminated products of animal origin are then safely disposed of.

Planning Application for three timber shelters on ‘Harbour Head Terrace’

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Tue, 07/02/2017 - 12:14

After the excitement of the Shipyard application being live and open for comment; brace yourself for another one. This time it is a re-submission of thee timber shelters and kiosks in the location of what is being named at Harbour Head Terrace.

The official planning application number is PA17/00847. The documents can be found HERE.

The plan for Harbour Head Terrace

In the Design, Access and Heritage statement it says:

“At the centre of the proposals is the desire to enhance the communal enjoyment of the Harbour Head, the harbour itself, and the popular views of the harbour and notable buildings. The proposals offer an appropriate and sustainable use of the Harbour Head Terrace for the long-term benefit of the local community and wider area. The Heritage Impact Assessment produced for the purposes of the application outline the conservation principles which are to:

  • Improve views of the inner and outer harbour by providing an appropriate public space;
  • Enhance the communal and aesthetic heritage value of the Harbour Head; • Bring sustainable new uses to the existing Harbour Head.
  • Enhance the Harbour Character Area identified within the Conservation Area.”

It goes on to say:

“Alongside this, there are clear objectives regarding benefits to the local economy which are to:

  • Promote permeability, activity in the local and wider area;
  • Promote local arts, crafts and trades to exhibit and trade in the local area;
  • Support local events, markets, concerts, and festivals;
  • Promote regeneration in the local and wider area.”

All the document information can be read HERE. You can also make comment online, or like the Shipyard application at one of the applicants consultation events, If you cannot make either of those events, you can officially comment to Cornwall Council and/or Porthleven TC.

The proposed design of the sheds

Categories: Local Politics

Agriculture | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

We will begin the process by consulting on our emerging vision and the strategic priorities for the future of the industries, through the form of a food, farming and fishing green paper which will be published in due course.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Brexit | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

We will seek to agree a UK approach to the negotiations and ensure we get the best possible deal for the whole of the UK. We have committed to carefully considering any proposals the devolved administrations put forward. Defra Ministers have visited each of the devolved administrations to meet with Ministers and stakeholders.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Brexit | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The current workstreams within Defra’s EU Exit Programme are: EU Negotiations; Trade; Devolution; Repeal Bill, Future Agriculture and Land Use, Fisheries; Environment, and Animal and Plant Health. As the EU Exit Programme progresses, the workstreams may change as they are dynamic and under regular review. The workstreams in our EU Exit Programme are carrying out detailed analysis of the implications and opportunities presented by EU Exit.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Brexit | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Across the eight work streams, the Department’s EU Exit Programme is carrying out detailed analysis of the implications and opportunities presented by EU Exit. This work will support the Prime Minister’s 12 negotiating objectives and the achievement of our vision to unlock the potential of farming and fisheries as well as ensuring that we leave the environment in a better state than we found it.

It is our intention to shortly publish our 25 Year Food, Farming and Fishing, and Environment Green Papers, initiating a debate with all of Defra’s sectors and stakeholders, along with the wider public, to shape plans that will deliver genuine and lasting change for food, farming, fishing and the environment once we are outside the EU.

Agriculture and Food | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Defra is committed to developing a 25 year food and farming plan, which will set out a new vision for UK food and farming outside of the EU. It will be published in due course.

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