Village News

Christmas Lights


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« September 29, 2011 - October 30, 2011 »
09 / 29
09 / 30
10 / 1
Start: 09:00
New editing of Hayle Pump should be available.

Read it online, or get a copy from

Distribution Points




St. Michael's Hospital

Hayle Town Council, Queensway

10 / 2
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00

You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday at 11am.

The preacher this Sunday will be Mr Matthew Care from St Ives.

10 / 3
Start: 11:30
End: 11:45

The mobile library stops at Angarrack Post Box fortnightly on Mondays (except Bank Holidays).

It's free to join the Mobile Library, and there is no fine if you are overdue with your books.

There is a lift for easier access. 


Well worth a visit.

10 / 4
Start: 19:00

Tuesday Evenings 7:00 pm

Indoor Helicopter Flying Club | Angarrack Community Centre

10 / 5
10 / 6
Start: 07:00

This is the day to put out garden waste and brown corrugated cardboard for recycling.

The waste should be put in unwanted brown cardboard boxes or, failing that, in plastic sacks.

NB: Plant material which is from invasive species cannot be collected: Japanese Knotweed for example must be destroyed on the site where it is cut down.

Start: 10:00
End: 17:00

The Strategic Planning committee meets Thu 6 Oct to decide on Supermarkets for Hayle, buses from Hayle and meeting  webcast - details Cornwall Council - Webcasting

Webcast should be available at there is also often coverage on Twitter and you can send comments on Twitter using the hashtag #ccwebcast

10 / 7
Start: 10:00
End: 12:00

Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today, between 10am and noon at Angarrack Community Centre.

All welcome.

10 / 8
10 / 9
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00

Members at Angarrack Methodist Church thank all those who supported them over the Harvest Festival weekend. The weekend went well and raised much needed funds for the church.

Services are held each Sunday at 11am and you are invited to join members for worship. The preacher this Sunday will be Mr Alan Thomas.

Start: 12:00

Mad Dog Fun Day

Friday, September 30, 2011
Profile image for barneycann
10 / 10
10 / 11
Start: 19:00

Tuesday Evenings 7:00 pm

Indoor Helicopter Flying Club | Angarrack Community Centre

10 / 12
10 / 13
10 / 14
Start: 19:00
End: 22:00

Club AGM - Friday 14th October 2011

The monthly meeting of Cornish Scale Modellers is held every second Friday of the month at Angarrack Community Centre. Meetings start around 7pm and end at 10pm. For a full schedule of meetings click here. For directions click here.

10 / 15
Start: 09:00
End: 17:00
The Angarrack Christmas Lights NEED YOUR HELP! On October 15th, 16th, 22nd and 23rd to bring the lights down to the village from storage and to start putting up poles. Meet in the square at 9am. Everybody welcome!
10 / 16
Start: 09:00
End: 17:00
The Angarrack Christmas Lights NEED YOUR HELP! On October 16th, 22nd and 23rd to bring the lights down to the village from storage and to start putting up poles. Meet in the square at 9am. Everybody welcome!
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00

You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday at 11am.

The preacher this Sunday will be Pastor Mary Rogers from Carbis Bay.

10 / 17
Start: 11:30
End: 11:45

The mobile library stops at Angarrack Post Box this Monday.

It's free to join the Mobile Library, and there is no fine if you are overdue with your books.

There is a lift for easier access. 


Well worth a visit!

10 / 18
Start: 19:00

Tuesday Evenings 7:00 pm

Indoor Helicopter Flying Club | Angarrack Community Centre

10 / 19
10 / 20
10 / 21
Start: 10:00
End: 12:00

Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today, between 10am and noon at Angarrack Community Centre.

All welcome.

10 / 22
Start: 09:00
End: 17:00
The Angarrack Christmas Lights NEED YOUR HELP! On October 22nd and 23rd to bring the lights down to the village from storage and to start putting up poles. Meet in the square at 9am. Everybody welcome!
10 / 23
Start: 09:00
End: 17:00
The Angarrack Christmas Lights NEED YOUR HELP! To bring the lights down to the village from storage and to start putting up poles. Meet in the square at 9am. Everybody welcome!
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00

You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday at 11am.

The preacher this Sunday will be Mrs D Draper from Carbis Bay.

10 / 24
10 / 25
Start: 19:00

Tuesday Evenings 7:00 pm

Indoor Helicopter Flying Club | Angarrack Community Centre

10 / 26
10 / 27
10 / 28
10 / 29
10 / 30
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00

You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday at 11am.

The preacher this Sunday will be Mrs Betty Thomas.

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