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Minutes from "Ordinary Meeting September 2012 | Carnhell Green | Parish Council" on 10 Sep 2012 - 19:00

Minutes for: Ordinary Meeting September 2012 | Carnhell Green | Parish Council from 10 Sep 2012 - 19:00 to 10 Sep 2012 - 19:00


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council held on Monday 10th September 2012 at
the Parish Office, Unit 3 Bosprowal Business Units, Penhale Road, Carnhell Green, Camborne commencing at

Present Councillors A Crocker D Cupples
T Homes R Marks
Mrs S Negus L Pascoe (Vice Chairman)
M Roberts B Slade-Elmes
A Young
Others present 4 members of the public, PCSO K Youngman
Mrs Vida Perrin, Clerk to the Council
Cllr Pascoe advised those in attendance that Ray Tovey had passed away at the weekend and asked that
everyone stand in silence for a moment in memory of Ray.
1. Routine matters
a) Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllrs Rowe and Pocock.
b) Members to declare personal and prejudicial interests (including the details thereof) in respect of any
items on the Agenda.
i. Cllr Negus declared a pecuniary interest in item 6a and took no part in the discussion or vote for this
ii. Cllr Homes declared a personal interest in item 6h of the agenda.
c) Public Participation.
i. Sally Foster advised the meeting that she was in attendance regarding item 6h and read out the
following statement.
When presentations were made by the Solar Park developers there was a general goodwill and support
from local residents. However, it was argued by some that good agricultural land was being used and it
was by no means low carbon as solar panels were made in China. As it has turned out very few local
workers were used but the main workers were also brought in from overseas to carry out the work. Also
they have not made good some of the damage that they have caused.
Great emphasize was made that a community fund was to be created for the purpose of enhancing the
environment and this was definitely a factor in influencing support from the local community. This has
changed to education, religion and poverty.
It can also be argued that the large subsidies are putting up our electricity bills which do nothing to
alleviate poverty. Because of the large take-up by solar parks the small householder and small units for
schools, hospitals etc have now seen the subsidies reduced.
Questions to be answered
1. Selection process of directors.
a. How many? 6 or 7?
b. How were they contacted? None that I’ve spoken to looked at the website.
c. Why weren’t groups such as GRA contacted as residents had already raised the issue.
d. Other people have expressed an interest.
e. What are the criteria for selection? Have the directors got the vision to develop projects to enhance
the environment for the community? For example recognition of the economic value of protecting
our ecosystems
f. Who are they?
2. Purpose of fund
a. Why was environment changed to education, religion and poverty?
b. Spoken to Charity Commission and this can be changed back.
c. At the two presentations the companies emphasized the money would go to environment by way
of a community fund.
3. Other Solar parks and wind turbines.
a. Will money from these developments go to the GGSF?
b. Has Parish Council considered wave power? Please note that I do have a personal interest in this
as one of my sons has developed a prototype but I think it is important if we are genuinely
interested in low carbon energy that we should be fully aware of the true costs of alternative
Cllr Pascoe, who was chairing the meeting thanked Mrs Foster and advised her that due to the Chairman
of the Council being away for this meeting agenda item 6h would be deferred so that her questions
could be answered in full.
ii. Mr Kelland advised that there were increasing problems with regard to speeding and farm debris on
the roads leading from Gwinear to Connor Downs.
PCSO Youngman advised that it was mainly down to people not driving in accordance with the
conditions of the roads and that farmers needed to take more responsibility about debris from their land
on roads.
Cllr Roberts advised that the Parish Council was setting up a working group to look at these types of
issues and was happy to keep the local resident informed of future progress and meetings.
iii. Mr Davies asked whether any more progress had been made with regard to the planning obligations
for the solar farm off Nanterrow Lane. He advised that they were still using the wrong entrance, the
speed limit signs had not been erected and there were still ongoing issues with the telephone system.
The Clerk agreed to raise the issues again.
The Chairman asked if the meeting was in agreement to bring forward items 5b and 5d which are in agenda
order for the purposes of the minutes and this was RESOLVED.
2. Minutes
a) To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 13th August 2012.
RESOLVED that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
b) Business arising from the Minutes. None.
3. Reports
a) Report from the Police Neighbourhood Beat Manager. PCSO Youngman tabled the report for the
month. Cllr Roberts advised that the working group for traffic concerns in and around Carnhell Green
would welcome and member of the Police on the group and PCSO Youngman agreed this would be a
good idea. PCSO Youngman advised that the best way to get statistics about incidents on local roads
was through the Road Traffic Accidents Statistics Officer for Devon and Cornwall Police.
b) Verbal and Written reports from Parish Councillors/representatives.
i. Chairman’s Report. Noted.
ii. Traffic Management Group – Cllr Roberts advised that over 20 local residents had attended the
public meeting he arranged in August and he had 5 volunteers for the group plus himself and Cllr
iii. Hayle Town Framework meeting – Cllr Marks gave a report on the vision of the framework of Hayle
in the year 2030 and advised the main objectives were to ‘big up’ Hayle and provide opportunities for
all types of people: locals and tourists. She advised they also had an update on the transport strategy
and said that the local town and planning framework will be out for consultation in Jan/Feb 2013 and
adopted by summer 2013.
4. Correspondence received
a) George Eustice MP – Response to PC letter concerning the West Briton report on Police funding. Noted.
b) George Eustice MP – Response to issues raised with him at the question & answer session at last
meeting. Noted.
c) Cornwall Council – Section 106 Contribution, Rosewarne Park. Noted.
d) Cornwall Council – Consultation on the “Charging Framework for Traffic Management at Community
and other events”. The meeting agreed to post the information on the Parish website.
e) Cornwall Council – List of Cornwall Conversation events with the Leader of the Council. Noted.
f) Audit Commission – Notification of the appointment of an external auditor. Noted.
g) Trinity House – Email correspondence the new structure at Godrevy Lighthouse. The meeting agreed to
contact George Eustice and ask him to raise the issue of the future of the existing lighthouse structure at
his meeting with Trinity House.
h) A MacDonald & S Hutchens – Setting up of a Gwithian Towans Community Group & an enquiry
regarding the Gwithian Ward Cllr casual vacancy. The Clerk advised that she had spoken with the
group regarding criteria for the casual vacancy and that the Chairman would be attending the first
meeting of the group.
i) Cornwall Council – Tracked planning enquiries and applications. Noted.
j) D Goodere – (i & ii) Gwithian Green (iii) Control of Ragwort. Cllr Homes praised Mr Goodere for the
report and work he does on behalf of the GGAG but did say that ragwort should be pulled regularly at
the start of the season and that a ragwort exclusion zone around the perimeter of the site should be kept
to protect neighbouring land. Cllr Roberts agreed to raise this at the next GGAG meeting.
k) Hayle Town Council – Civic Procession and Community Service 7 October 2012; invitation. The Clerk
advised she would pass the invitation to the Chairman.
5. To consider planning applications
a) PA12/08054 - First floor rear balcony and replacement window with door - Myrtle Cottage 40
Cathebedron Road Carnhell Green Camborne TR14 0NB – Mr Hatcher & Miss Patrick. Planning zone
officer – Cllr Young. Cllr Young advised that he had visited the site and spoken with the neighbours
and could see no reason to object to the application. RESOLVED that there is no objection.
b) PA12/07908 - Erection of a conservatory - The Cottage Trenoweth Farm Station Road Gwinear Hayle
Cornwall TR27 5JJ – Mr Kelland. Planning zone officer – Cllr Young. Cllr Young advised that he had
visited the site and spoke with the applicant and neighbor. He said that the conservatory extension was
infill between the rear entrance and the boundary of the property and fits in well with the appearance
and scale of the current building. He advised that the neighbours had no issue with the plans and could
see no reason to object to the application. RESOLVED that there is no objection.
c) Planning correspondence: Letter received from Mr Archdale, the applicant of application PA12/05157
- Installation of a single wind turbine, Roseworthy Barton, Old Mill Lane, Roseworthy – detailing the
reasons for the application and an invitation to visit the site if beneficial – Planning zone officer Cllr
Cupples. The meeting agreed to advise the applicant of the PC comments on the application and that a
meeting had been set up with CC regarding a renewable energy planning policy.
d) PA12/07346 - Erection of two small scale wind turbines - Nancemellin Farm Nancemellin Camborne
Cornwall TR14 0DW – Mr Murrant. Note: Screening Opinion only. Planning zone officer – Cllr
Cupples. Cllr Cupples noted that no screening opinion was needed and that a full application would
now need to be submitted.
6. Other matters requiring decisions of the Council
a) Receipts and payments: to approve the statement for the period ending on 10th September 2012 and the
payments due.
1776 CASH – required for petty cash and postage 40.00
1643 Northcliffe Media Ltd – CPO Tender advertisement in press 180.00
1644 Shirley Negus – CPP literature (£12) & colour copying (£4) 16.00
1645 Gwithian Church – Hire of church hall 13th August 2012 15.00
BT – Line Rental/Broadband/Call package for 4/9/12-3/12/12 & calls
for period 6/6/12-30/8/12 (Parish Office)
1647 SeaDog IT – Setup of a Planning IT Database 350.00
1648 Mrs V Perrin – Staff wages (Parish Clerk) 1345.32
1649 Mrs C Thomson – Staff wages (Admin Assistant) 319.63
1650 HM Revenue & Customs – PAYE & NI 368.17
RESOLVED that the payments be accepted.
(b)To discuss a quotation received for printers and support of the Parish Council IT system. After a
discussion the meeting agreed to gather more information and Cllr Crocker agreed to contact a company
Cornwall Council uses for IT support.
(c) To receive and discuss correspondence from CC Planning & Regeneration Service regarding
amendments to the Planning Protocols for Local Councils and Cornwall Council Members Protocol and
agree response. The meeting noted the information and did not raise any issues.
(d)To receive Tender applications for the Community Pride Officer position and agree a way forward. The
meeting perused the 4 tenders and RESOLVED that Cllr Homes, Pocock and the Clerk meet with each
candidate to assess their ability to provide the service required and to make a recommendation at a
future meeting.
(e) To receive and discuss a consultation from Cornwall Council regarding the proposed devolution
procedure. The meeting agreed to defer this item until the next meeting.
(f) To receive further guidance and alternative Register of Interest forms from Cornwall Council. The
meeting noted the information.
(g)To receive and discuss information received from Andrew England, CC, regarding Neighbourhood
Planning Support. The meeting agreed to forward the information to the PPIC for discussion at
Wednesday’s meeting.
(h)To consider a response to a public enquiry regarding the Gwinear-Gwithian Sustainable Community
Fund. The meeting agreed to defer this item until the next meeting.
(i) To receive and discuss application for the Gwithian Ward Cllr casual vacancy. After a brief discussion
the meeting agreed to invite the applicant to sit in on the next meeting.
7. Late or urgent items not on the agenda
i. Cllr Marks advised that the Chairman of the Devon and Cornwall Police Authority was attending the
next WI meeting on Wednesday 3 October at Connor Downs WI hall at 7.30pm and this meeting was to
be open to the public on this occasion. She advised that light refreshments would be available at the end
of the meeting.
ii. Cllr Negus requested that PC information for meetings be printed off and posted to her in the future.
iii. It was agreed that a condolence card for Ray Tovey’s family be purchased before the PPIC meeting
on Wednesday.
8. Agenda items for future meetings
a) Raised in public participation. Further information required regarding the planning conditions of the
solar farm at Nanterrow Lane.
b) Raised by members. None.
c) Late items notified to the Clerk. None.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.34pm.