Village News

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200730 | Labour Party leader calls for targeted support of tourism in Cornwall

Labour Party leader calls for targeted support of tourism in Cornwall

Labour Party leader calls for  targeted support of tourism in Cornwall

Published by Helen Down at 7:55pm 29th July 2020. (Updated at 11:01am 30th July 2020)

By Richard Whitehouse, Local Democracy Reporter and Helen Down  read more »

200730 | Cornwall's tourism sector faces 'three winter seasons' in a row

Cornwall's tourism sector faces 'three winter seasons' in a row

Cornwall's tourism sector faces 'three winter seasons' in a row

Published by Sarah Yeoman at 10:57am 30th July 2020. (Updated at 11:00am 30th July 2020)  read more »

200728 | Test, track and trace in Cornwall: a tangled web

Test, track and trace in Cornwall: a tangled web

 Photo by Anna Shvets at Pexels

Cornwall has the resources to do effective Covid-19 contact tracing. So why is it not being allowed to do so? Jane Stevenson talks to Councillor Colin Martin, who has been trying to find out.  read more »

200729 | Boris Johnson says there are signs of a COVID-19 ‘second wave’ as he defends new travel rules

Boris Johnson says there are signs of a COVID-19 ‘second wave’ as he defends new travel rules

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200729 | Covid-19: NHS campaigners in Cornwall call for urgent pandemic review

Covid-19: NHS campaigners in Cornwall call for urgent pandemic review

 NHS campaigners in Cornwall call for urgent pandemic review

Published by Sarah Yeoman at 8:45am 28th July 2020.  read more »

200727 | Over 3,000 Cornish businesses 'at risk' as government withdraws funding

Over 3,000 Cornish businesses 'at risk' as government withdraws funding

Over 3,000 Cornish businesses 'at risk' as government withdraws funding

Published by Sarah Yeoman at 6:27am 27th July 2020.

Written by Richard Whitehouse, Local Democracy Reporter  read more »

200726 | More than a third of jobs furloughed in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

More than a third of jobs furloughed in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

More than a third of jobs furloughed in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

Published by Sarah Yeoman at 10:01am 26th July 2020.

More than a third of jobs have been furloughed in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, according to new figures.

The Trades Union Congress has called on leaders to provide more support for businesses to "stem the tide of redundancies” when the scheme ends in October.  read more »

200725 | Ten more confirmed cases of coronavirus in Cornwall

Ten more confirmed cases of coronavirus in Cornwall

Ten more confirmed cases of coronavirus in Cornwall

Published by Helen Down at 2:32pm 25th July 2020.

By Local Democracy Reporter, Daniel Clark  read more »

200723 | Face coverings become mandatory in all shops and retail premises | Devon and Cornwall Police

Information sent on behalf of Devon and Cornwall Police
Face coverings become mandatory in all shops and retail premises
Being socially responsible
From Friday, July 24, Government COVID-19 legislation changes mean it is mandatory to wear a face covering in all shops and retail premises.
The measure will see all shops able to prevent entry to the premises to anyone not wearing a face covering.
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