Village News

Christmas Lights


The Dark Bee Apis mellifera mellifera in the United Kingdom

The Dark Bee Apis mellifera mellifera in the United Kingdom

The article below is based on a lecture given by Philip Denwood to the SICAMM Conference in Landquart, Switzerland, on 1st September 2012  read more »

Cornish Black Honey Bee (Apis mellifera mellifera or Amm)

Facts about the Cornish Black Bee  read more »

190924 | Police cars in west Cornwall get life-saving defibrillators

Police cars in west Cornwall get life-saving defibrillators

Police cars in west Cornwall get life-saving defibrillators

Published by Sarah Yeoman at 12:34pm 24th September 2019. (Updated at 8:00pm 24th September 2019)

Police cars in west Cornwall are now equipped with life-saving defibrillators - thanks to the latest donation from a local charity.

Officers across the Duchy now have 23 of the machines that deliver an electric shock to restart someone's heart.  read more »

190921 | 18 cases of potentially deadly dog disease, Lungworm in Cornwall

18 cases of potentially deadly dog disease in Cornwall

18 cases of potentially deadly dog disease in Cornwall

Published by Sarah Yeoman at 7:00am 21st September 2019. (Updated at 7:46am 21st September 2019)

A warning is going out to dog owners as it is revealed there have been 18 cases of a potentially deadly disease in Cornwall.

According to new research millions of people are unaware of lungworm, which is spreading across the country.  read more »

Hayle Growth Area Masterplan : Consultation Document

Hayle Growth Area Masterplan : Consultation Document The Creation of a New Neighbourhood September 2019
Image 1 : Aerial photograph of the site
Figure 1 : Site Allocations Development Plan Document extract
Figure 2 : Masterplan option 1 : High Lanes A30 junction
Option 1 Tolroy: Figure 3 : Masterplan option 2 :Tolroy A30 junction
School option 1: Figure 5 : Primary School sub- option 1 location
School option 2: Figure 6 : Primary School sub- option 2 location
Image 3 : New health facilities Image 4 : New primary school Image 5 : New sports provision Image 6 : New main street and connected street network Image 7 : New employment space integrated positively into the townscape Image 8 :Example of a Local Centre/
Figure 7 : Access Hierarchy
Figure 8 : Plan showing the potential location of local and neighbourhood centres
Image 9 : Natural play facilities within an eco-valley park and new play areas Image 10 : Community orchards and growing areas Image 11 : Hillside country park Image 12 : Wetland/ sustainable drainage and boardwalks Image 13 : The creation of wildlife cor
Figure 6 : Landscape & footpath/ cycle access strategy
Images of exemplar/ Cornish office & employment developments: Image 15 :Hayle marine renwewables : PBWC architects. Image 16: St Austell Print Works : Image 17 : Commercial / industrial developments ( Redruth) Image 18 : Hayle Foundry : Stride Treglown Ar
Image 15 : Illustrative masterplan overlay showing the employment areas next to the A30 1 2 1 2 Employment Area next to the A30 Mixed use area ( employment with residential )
Creating Better Townscape Figure 22 & 23 : (Below ) : Examples of 3 bedroom terrace houses Image 20 : Commercial Road, Hayle : Main Street frontage Image 21 : Nansledan, Newquay Image 22 : Penpol Road, Hayle : terraces Image 23 : Contemporary interpretati
Figure 24 & 25 : (Above ) : Examples of 2/3 bedroom smaller terrace houses Image 24: St John’s Street, Hayle : terraces Image 27 : Contemporary interpretation : Chichester Figure 26 & 27 : (Above ) : Examples of Paired Villas Image 26 : Queen’s Way. Hayle
Image 27: Illustrative masterplan 1 Predominantly Residential 2 New Primary School option 3 Mixed Use (employment and residential) 4 Employment 5 Multi-use green space
Image 27: Illustrative masterplan (east) 1 Predominantly Residential 2 New Primary School option 3 Mixed Use (employment and residential) 4 Employment 5 Multi-use green space

Hayle Growth Area Masterplan : Consultation Document
The Creation of a New Neighbourhood
September 2019


1. Introduction
2. Consultation
3. The Vision
4. The Concept Masterplan
5. Delivering Infrastructure
6. Green Infrastructure
7. Delivering Employment Space
8. Creating Better Townscape
9. Next Steps
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Hayle Growth Area Masterplan Consultation

Hayle Growth Area Masterplan Consultation

Hayle Town Council and Cornwall Council would like to see higher quality development coming forward in Hayle.

To help achieve this a masterplan is being prepared which offers the opportunity for the Town Council, Hayle residents and Cornwall Council to take a proactive approach to how it believes development in this area should come forward.  read more »

Hayle Growth Area Masterplan

Hayle Town Council and Cornwall Council would like to see higher quality development coming forward in Hayle.

To help achieve this a masterplan is being prepared which offers the opportunity for the Town Council, Hayle residents and Cornwall Council to take a proactive approach to how it believes development in this area should come forward.

190828 | Dogs on beaches PSPO consultation 2019

How can I have my say on future PSPOs for dogs on beaches?

As part of the consultation we have developed a PSPO (Dogs on Beaches) consultation survey.

Please complete the survey to give your opinion on the future shape of PSPO’s for dog on beaches in Cornwall.

The consultation will run for 12 weeks from 27 August until 19 November 2019.

Once the survey closes, we will analyse the responses and report back to the Council.

The intention is that the Council will consider a report in January 2020 on PSPO’s (Dog on Beaches). This report will include the results of the consultation.  read more »

190828 | Should we have dog friendly beaches?


Should we have dog friendly beaches?

Wednesday, 28 August 2019 - Environment

by Cornish Times  read more »