Village News

Christmas Lights

Newsletter August 2009

Issue Date: 
August, 2009
new news letter august2009 (Small).png
There will be a Jumble Sale in October the proceeds in aid of the village lights! The date to be announced. Any items of jumble you can give gratefully accepted. Please take to Chris at Cherry Trees on Riverside. Please also find an envelope with this newsletter for any donations you can make to the lights. Again please return these to Chris at Cherry Trees on Riverside. This year there is going to be a prize for the best lit private house in the village! The competition will be judged by Bob Macready of Pirate FM on switch on night. Best to start your planning now... The Angarrack Lights committee thank you all for your continued support. Your help and donations are greatly appreciated. Visit for information on what’s going on in Angarrack and to claim your free village email.


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