Village News

Christmas Lights

1877 | Angarrack Viaduct | Between 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday man named Allen was killed on the Angarrack viaduct

Fatal Railway Accident near Hayle.— Between 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday a man named Allen was killed on the Angarrack viaduct of the West Cornwall Railway. A gang of men were engaged repairing the viaduct, and a luggage train passed, the break van struck Allen, knocking him under the wheels, which passed over his head, killing turn instantly. Deceased was a native of Penpoads, Camborne, and leaves wife and four children.

[Possibly Thomas Allen

ALLEN Thomas 38 Redruth 5c158


Lake's Falmouth Packet and Cornwall Advertiser - Saturday 01 September 1877