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141001 | News from the Mayor via Hayle Pump


Hayle Harbour, News from the Mayor

After decades of neglect and dilapidation, Hayle Harbour is almost unrecognisable, with the works on North Quay out to Harvey’s Towans complete and ready for development, with the public enjoying unfettered access along the upper and lower public promenades, most of us used to using the new North Quay bridge, and the old swing bridge currently undergoing some sort of repairs and hopefully restoration.

Attention has been focused on South Quay though, where the controversial new supermarket is nearing completion, with its black brickwork to pay homage to the black Scoria blocks  used in Hayle architecture in bygone days, the structure resembling a ship’s hull to mark the shipbuilding heritage of Harvey and Co on South Quay, and the painstakingly applied brass sheathing tiles, which are already starting to weather to a duller finish as planned...a feature to echo the metalworking history of Hayle during the Industrial Revolution and after.

Although ASDA are the company who successfully negotiated to occupy and trade from the building, it was not built FOR Asda, but was purpose designed by a top UK architect company with a Mousehole born Cornishman as lead architect, Feilden Clegg Bradley architect Matt Williams.

Matt worked alongside fellow architect and FCB Partner Mike Keys who is a Stirling Prizes winner-the UK's most prestigious architecture award. "We both set out to create something visually stunning that would deliver a sculptural design that would bring the spotlight on Hayle for all the right reasons."

The building was designed specifically for Hayle and South Quay and its proud heritage. A mark of this was the recent, unprecedented agreement between ASDA and local councils that ASDA will have metallic steel signs instead of their trademark green, and that signs will be bilingual in Cornish and English, Splann! This will be the ONLY ASDA in the UK without the green signs, and in a World Heritage Area! A provisional date for the store opening is given as 24th November.

Importantly, the huge breach in the harbour wall facing Penpol Terrace has now been beautifully repaired in matching stone, and will be the site from which the Penpol Footbridge will arch across to Penpol. Linking the ASDA 300+ space free and stay unlimited car park with the traditional shops, it’s hoped they will benefit from the increased customer footfall. The bridge should be open in Summer next year.

Another great benefit from the development is the new sluice gates, already fitted and being worked on, ready for the unsealing of the sluice channel soon. They are of traditional wooden design but will be capable of manual OR hydraulic operation when finished.

At the same time, the Railway companies have at long last decided to repair and service the Foundry Viaduct with work lasting until summer 2015, but the line being closed for the middle two weeks of November for the heaviest work. This has needed space in the ISIS gardens beneath the viaduct for a site office and storage, after which in 2015 the ISIS gardens will be restored and rededicated, with a new opening and road crossing linking the South Quay promenade directly to Foundry Square shops and businesses.

Finally, all this new development and us locals will all be a bit safer soon as the new Hayle Fire Station nears completion in Commercial Road, proudly manned by local Hayle and district men as “on call” firefighters. The building is also expected to house a Police Office,  and an Ambulance Bay.

I am immensely proud that all these improvements, some many years in the making, are happening during my time as mayor. I am proud of Hayle, #proudofhayle

Graham Coad